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Docker Mastery : avec Kubernetes + Swarm d’un Docker Captain

Construisez, testez, déployez des conteneurs avec le meilleur méga-cours sur Docker, Kubernetes, Compose, Swarm et Registry en utilisant DevOps
Comment utiliser Docker, Compose et Kubernetes sur votre machine pour améliorer la création et les tests de logiciels.
Apprenez les outils officiels de Docker et Kubernetes avec un capitaine Docker primé !
Apprenez plus vite grâce au groupe de discussion en direct inclus (50 000 membres !) et aux questions-réponses hebdomadaires en direct.
Acquérez les compétences nécessaires pour créer des environnements de développement avec votre code exécuté dans des conteneurs.
Construisez des clusters Swarm et Kubernetes pour les déploiements de serveurs !
Pratique avec les meilleures pratiques pour créer des fichiers Dockerfiles et Compose comme un pro !
Créez et publiez vos propres images personnalisées.
Créez votre propre registre d'images personnalisé pour stocker vos applications et les déployer dans des environnements d'entreprise.

Mise à jour 2021 : Prêt pour Apple Silicon (M1 arm64) et Raspberry Pi’s !
Soyez prêt pour l’avenir dockerisé avec le méga-cours numéro UN Docker + Kubernetes sur WeCours
. Bienvenue dans le cours le plus complet et à jour pour apprendre et utiliser les conteneurs de bout en bout, du développement et des tests aux déploiements de serveurs et à la production. Enseigné par un capitaine Docker primé et un consultant DevOps.

Vous débutez avec Docker ? Parfait. Ce cours commence en supposant que vous débutez avec les conteneurs.

Ou : Vous utilisez Docker maintenant et devez faire face à des problèmes réels ? Je suis là pour vous ! Consultez mes sujets de production autour de Swarm, Kubernetes, les secrets, la journalisation, les mises à jour progressives, et plus encore.

BONUS : Ce cours comprend Slack Chat et des questions/réponses hebdomadaires en direct avec moi !

“J’ai suivi un autre cours sur (WeCours). Celui-ci est un million de fois plus approfondi.” “…quand il s’agit de tout ce qui concerne les dockers , c’est le cours que vous voudrez suivre” – Student WeCours Review

Pourquoi devriez-vous apprendre de moi ? Pourquoi me faire confiance pour vous apprendre les meilleures manières d’utiliser Docker ? &nbsp ; (Bonjour, je m’appelle Bret, permettez-moi de parler de moi une seconde) :

  • Je suis un praticien. Bienvenue dans le monde réel : j’ai 20 ans d’expérience en tant qu’administrateur système et développeur, plus de 30 certifications, et j’utilise Docker et l’écosystème de conteneurs pour mes clients consultants et mes propres entreprises depuis les débuts de Docker. Apprenez de quelqu’un qui a géré des centaines de conteneurs dans des dizaines de projets et d’organisations.
  • Je suis un éducateur. Apprenez de quelqu’un qui sait créer un syllabus : je veux vous aider. Les gens disent que je suis doué pour ça. Au cours des dernières années, j’ai formé des milliers de personnes à l’utilisation de Docker dans le cadre d’ateliers, de conférences et de meetups. Voyez-moi enseigner lors d’événements tels que DockerCon, O’Reilly Velocity, GOTO Conf et Linux Open Source Summit. J’espère que vous déciderez d’apprendre avec moi et de rejoindre la fantastique communauté Docker en ligne.
  • Je dirige des communautés. De plus, je suis un capitaine Docker, ce qui signifie que Docker Inc. pense que je connais une chose ou deux sur Docker et que je réussis à la partager avec les autres. Dans le monde réel : J’aide à organiser deux meetups locaux dans notre fabuleuse communauté technologique à Norfolk/Virginia Beach USA. J’aide en ligne : généralement sur Slack et Twitter, où j’apprends et aide les autres.


“Parce que du cours Docker Mastery, j’ai décroché mon premier emploi DevOps. Merci Capitaine !” – Étudiant Ronald Alonzo

“Il y a beaucoup de cours Docker sur WeCours – – mais ignorez-les, Bret est la personne la plus qualifiée pour vous enseigner.” – Kevin Griffin, Microsoft MVP

Giving Back : une partie de mes bénéfices sur ce cours sera être reversé pour soutenir l’open source et protéger nos libertés en ligne ! Ce cours n’est rendu possible que par les personnes incroyables qui créent l’open source. Je me tiens sur les épaules de géants (open source) ! Les dons seront répartis entre mes organisations caritatives préférées, notamment l’Electronic Frontier Foundation et la Free Software Foundation. Recherches-les. Ils sont géniaux !

Ce cours est évolutif et sera mis à jour à mesure que les fonctionnalités de Docker et de Kubernetes changent.

Ce cours est conçu pour être rapide pour démarrer, mais aussi vous plonger dans le “pourquoi” des choses. Tout simplement le moyen le plus rapide et le meilleur d’apprendre les dernières compétences en matière de conteneurs. Examinez l’étendue des sujets de la session et voyez l’étendue des compétences que vous apprendrez.

Sont également inclus les serveurs Slack et Discord avec 50 000 étudiants pour obtenir de l’aide avec ce cours et poursuivre votre apprentissage Docker et DevOps avec l’aide de moi-même et d’autres étudiants.

“Le cours de Bret est un niveau au-dessus de toutes ces ressources, et si vous avez du mal à maîtriser Docker, c’est la ressource dans laquelle vous devez investir.” – Austin Tindle, étudiant du cours

Certaines des nombreuses choses intéressantes que vous ferez dans ce cours :

  • Modifiez le code Web sur votre machine pendant qu’il est servi dans un conteneur
  • Verrouillez vos applications dans des réseaux privés qui n’exposent que les ports nécessaires
  • Créez un cluster Swarm à 3 nœuds dans le cloud
  • Installez Kubernetes et découvrez le principaux outils de cluster de serveurs
  • Utilisez des adresses IP virtuelles pour l’équilibrage de charge intégré dans votre cluster
  • Optimisez votre Docker fichiers pour une construction plus rapide et de petits déploiements
  • Créez/publiez vos propres images d’application personnalisées
  • Découvrez les différences entre Kubernetes et Swarm
  • Créez votre propre registre d’images
  • Utilisez Swarm Secrets pour chiffrer les configurations de votre environnement, même sur disque
  • Déployer les mises à jour de conteneurs dans une conception toujours disponible
  • Créer l’utopie de configuration d’un seul ensemble de fichiers YAML pour le développement local, CI tests et déploiements de grappes de production
  • Et bien plus encore…


Après avoir suivi ce cours, vous pourrez :

  • Utiliser Docker dans votre quotidien de développeur et/ou d’administrateur système rôles
  • Déployer des applications sur Kubernetes
  • Créer des fichiers Docker et composer des fichiers
  • Créer des clusters Swarm multi-nœuds et déployer des conteneurs H/A
  • Créer des manifestes Kubernetes YAML et les déployer à l’aide de méthodes d’infrastructure en tant que code
  • Créez un workflow d’utilisation de Docker en développement, puis en test/CI, puis en production avec YAML
  • Protégez vos clés, certificats TLS et mots de passe avec des secrets chiffrés
  • Gardez vos fichiers et images Docker petits, efficaces et rapides
  • Exécutez des applications dans Docker, Swarm et Kubernetes et comprenez les avantages/inconvénients de chacun
  • Développez localement pendant que votre code s’exécute dans un conteneur
  • Protégez les données persistantes importantes dans les volumes et les montages liés
  • Menez votre équipe vers l’avenir avec les dernières compétences en matière de conteneurs Docker !


Les choses supplémentaires qui viennent avec ce cours :

  • Accès au cours L’équipe Slack, pour obtenir aide/conseils de ma part et d’autres étudiants.
  • Vidéos bonus que j’ai mises ailleurs comme YouTube, liées aux ressources de ce cours.
  • Questions et réponses hebdomadaires en direct sur YouTube Live.
  • Des tonnes de liens de référence pour compléter ce c contenu.
  • Mises à jour du contenu à mesure que Docker modifie ses fonctionnalités sur ces sujets.

Quick Start!

What is Docker? The Three Innovations

If you're totally new to Docker, this breaks down the three major features that created an entire container ecosystem.

Quick Container Run

Before we learn how to install Docker locally, let's just try a few commands in Docker's cloud learning tool: Play With Docker.

Why Docker? Why Now?

Why did Docker need to exist? What are the big problems it solves for devs and ops?

Course Introduction

Course Roadmap (overview)

High-level overview of sections and lectures.

Getting Course Resources (GitHub Repo)
Course Chat with Students Learning Containers
YouTube Live Q&A with Bret

Join Bret on YouTube Live every week for getting questions answered about Docker Mastery and all things containers.

The Big FAQ

Common Questions in This Course

The Best Way to Setup Docker for Your OS

Docker Editions: Which Do I Use?

Docker's product line is expanding and this will help you decide which "Edition" is for you, and also go over CE vs. EE, versioning, and Edge vs. Stable.

Installing Docker: The Fast Way
Windows Docker Options

What you need to get started on Windows 10, Server 2016, and options for older versions.

Docker for Windows 10 Pro/Ent: Setup and Tips

Walkthrough of getting "Docker for Windows" and tools for this course to work on Windows 10 Pro, Enterprise, and Server 2016

Docker for Mac Setup and Tips

Walkthrough of getting Docker for Mac installed and additional tools for this course. Includes details on bash tab completion and settings tweaks.

Docker Toolbox for Win7, 8, and 10 Home: Setup and Tips

Walkthrough of getting "Docker Toolbox" and tools for this course to work on Windows 7, 8, and 10 Home edition

Docker for Linux Setup and Tips

Walkthrough of getting Docker tools working on Linux desktop or server. Also tips on code editor, permissions, cloning the course repo, and more.

Terminal Shell and Tab Completion for Docker CLI
Docker Version and Products Changes

Note that Docker Inc. has changed many tool names over the years. Here's some quick info.

Creating and Using Containers Like a Boss

Check Our Docker Install and Config

Section Overview, and ensuring Docker is working and on a recent version.

Starting a Nginx Web Server

Learn how to run a container, and manage its existence.

Debrief: What Happens When We Run a Container

Starting a container does lots of things in the background, lets talk about those.

Container VS. VM: It's Just a Process

See how a container is quite different then a VM, and yet how they have similar concepts.

Windows Containers: Should You Consider Them?

"Windows Containers" were born in 2016, and allow native .exe support in containers, but are they worth it?

Arm support for MySQL
Assignment: Manage Multiple Containers

Assignment to startup a typical three container service with nginx, mysql, and apache. Also, getting used to using docs.docker.com.

Assignment Answers: Manage Multiple Containers

(optional) I walk through the assignment as how I would do it.

Container Quiz 1

Check what you've learned so far in this section.

What's Going On In Containers: CLI Process Monitoring

Use cli commands to monitor containers and see what's running in them.

Getting a Shell Inside Containers: No Need for SSH

Use docker cli to get a full shell inside containers, no SSH needed. Also learn a about Linux distributions in containers like Ubuntu and Alpine.

Docker Networks: Concepts for Private and Public Comms in Containers

Learn the concepts around container networking, and how Docker handles it. Inspect a container IP and see diagrams on how traffic gets in and out.

FIXME: Change In Official Nginx Image Removes Ping

Quick note on a fix you should add to future lessons where I use ping from a nginx container.

Docker Networks: CLI Management of Virtual Networks

Practice the commands for controlling docker networks on your local machine.

Docker Networks: DNS and How Containers Find Each Other

Understand how containers find each other using dynamic DNS rather than IP's.

Container Quiz 2

A few questions on previous lecture content to help you retain the knowledge.

Assignment: Using Containers for CLI Testing

Assignment to use container shells to test networking between them.

Assignment Answers: Using Containers for CLI Testing

(optional) I walk through the assignment as how I would do it.

FIXME: Bug in alpine affects nslookup
Assignment: DNS Round Robin Test

Assignment to test DNS alias naming on multiple containers.

Assignment Answers: DNS Round Robin Test

(optional) I walk through the assignment as how I would do it.

Container Images, Where To Find Them and How To Build Them

What's In An Image (and What Isn't)

Section Overview, and a discussion about what an image is and isn't.

The Mighty Hub: Using Docker Hub Registry Images

Dig into what Docker Hub provides us. It's the future of package managers.

Images and Their Layers: Discover the Image Cache

Docker caches images locally, you'll need to know how it works in order to manage it properly. Let's dig in!

Image Tagging and Pushing to Docker Hub

Getting images in and out of an image repository is a fundamental common task, lets try it.

Building Images: The Dockerfile Basics

Dockerfiles are the recipes you make to create great containers. Let's start with the essentials of what's in the Dockerfile.

Building Images: Running Docker Builds

Once you have your Dockerfile, you need to build an image from it. Lets see how that works.

Building Images: Extending Official Images

Dockerfiles can add on to existing images. Lets see how we might do that.

Image Quiz

A quick set of questions to ensure you're getting the concepts.

Assignment: Build Your Own Dockerfile and Run Containers From It

Assignment to create your own Dockerfile recipe and test it in containers.

Assignment Answers: Build Your Own Dockerfile and Run Containers From It

(optional) I walk through the assignment as how I would do it.

Using Prune to Keep Your Docker System Clean (YouTube)

Using the prune command to clean up various things in docker.

Container Lifetime & Persistent Data: Volumes, Volumes, Volumes

Container Lifetime & Persistent Data

Understand the lifecycle of a container and how we should separate application artifacts and unique data that we need to preserve across containers.

Persistent Data: Data Volumes

Learn how to use Docker Volumes to store important data we need  to keep, and let your persistent data outlive the container.

Shell Differences for Path Expansion
Persistent Data: Bind Mounting

See how to create a link between host and container directories for various purposes, including easy source-file development.

Quiz on Persistent Data

How data exists past and beyond the container

Assignment: Database Upgrades with Named Volumes

Assignment to deal with databases and persistent data in containers through volumes.

Assignment Answers: Database Upgrades with Named Volumes

(optional) I walk through the assignment as how I would do it.

File Permissions Across Multiple Containers
Assignment: Edit Code Running In Containers With Bind Mounts

Assignment to edit code on host while it's served up in a container.

Assignment Answers: Edit Code Running In Containers With Bind Mounts

(optional) I walk through the assignment as how I would do it.

Database Passwords in Containers

Making It Easier with Docker Compose: The Multi-Container Tool

Docker Compose and The docker-compose.yml File

Section Overview and discussing the features and purpose of compose files, a key part of using Docker locally and in production.

Trying Out Basic Compose Commands

Get your feet wet with basic commands and workflow of our new favorite tool in this course!

Version Dependencies in Multi-Tier Apps
Assignment: Build a Compose File For a Multi-Container Project

Assignment to create your own Compose file to run a multi-app service (Drupal and Postgres).

Assignment Answers: Build a Compose File For a Multi-Container Project

(optional) I walk through the assignment as how I would do it.

Adding Image Building to Compose Files

Learn to have Compose run your docker builds for you on startup.

Assignment: Compose For Image Building

Assignment to create your own Compose file to build images with custom options (Drupal and Postgres).

Assignment Answers: Compose For Image Building

(optional) I walk through the assignment as how I would do it.

Quiz on Docker Compose

Using YAML to control multiple containers and resources.

Swarm Intro and Creating a 3-Node Swarm Cluster

Swarm Mode: Built-In Orchestration

Learn how Docker has some great built-in features for scaling your containers and operating a cluster.

Create Your First Service and Scale It Locally

Let's use your local docker in a 1-node Swarm to learn the basics.

UI Change For Service Create/Update
Use Multipass to create Docker, Swarm, and K8s VMs
Creating a 3-Node Swarm Cluster

You'll build a 3-host Swarm cluster so we can scale our apps out for high-availability.

Quiz on Swarm Mode Basics

Test your retention of key topics on using multiple nodes to help automation, sustainability, and rapid deployment.

Swarm Basic Features and How to Use Them In Your Workflow

Scaling Out with Overlay Networking

Learn how Swarm can seamlessly let containers talk between hosts.

Scaling Out with Routing Mesh

See how Swarm can accept packets on any Swarm node and route to the proper container.

Quiz on Docker Swarm Basics

How to better use docker's orchestration tool

Assignment: Create A Multi-Service Multi-Node Web App

Create your own distributed container service, with custom networks and multiple containers dynamically provisioned. 

Assignment Answers: Create A Multi-Service Multi-Node Web App

(optional) I walk through the assignment as how I would do it.

Swarm Stacks and Production Grade Compose

Learn how to use your existing compose files in a production Swarm cluster.

Secrets Storage for Swarm: Protecting Your Environment Variables

With this lesson you'll learn why you need to protect secrets and how Swarm enables you to do that easily.

Using Secrets in Swarm Services

Walk through the features of Secrets and how to store private information securely and ensure they get to only the containers that need them.

Using Secrets with Swarm Stacks

Learn how to deploy Stacks with Secrets referenced in your compose YAML files.

Assignment: Create A Stack with Secrets and Deploy

Modify a compose file to make it production-ready and use secrets to pass config values.

Assignment Answers: Create A Stack with Secrets and Deploy

(optional) I walk through the assignment as how I would do it.

Swarm App Lifecycle

Using Secrets With Local Docker Compose

Understand how to use "simulated" secrets with the docker-compose CLI.

Full App Lifecycle: Dev, Build and Deploy With a Single Compose Design

Learn how a single or multiple compose files can serve both dev and ops on local machines, in your CI automation, and in CD for production deployments.

Service Updates: Changing Things In Flight

Learn key features of the service update command and when to use it for updating your containers while the are live.

Healthchecks in Dockerfiles

Discover how built-in healthchecks make your containers even smarter, and how docker handles them.

Quiz on Swarm App Lifecycle

Digging deeper into Swarm tooling and uses.

Info on Swarm Mastery

Container Registries: Image Storage and Distribution

Docker Hub: Digging Deeper

Learn more features you get from Docker Hub for free, and what you need to pay for.

Understanding Docker Registry

Learn what the free Docker Distribution (aka Registry) can do for us and what things should we be concerned with when deploying it.

Run a Private Docker Registry

Learn how to run and use your own image registry on your own servers.

Assignment: Secure Docker Registry With TLS and Authentication

Learn how to secure Docker Registry by enabling HTTPS and basic auth using Play With Docker.

Using Docker Registry With Swarm

Registry mostly acts the same in a Swarm cluster, but lets use Play-With-Docker to see some slight differences.

Third Party Image Registries

Learn some other popular options for storing your images in the cloud and on premise.

Quiz on Container Registries

Docker in Production

My DockerCon Talk on Docker and Swarm in Production

I cover topics like OS choice, kernel versions, swarm server topologies, project mistakes, and more.

The Future of Swarm
Swarm Raft Quorum and Recovery (Laura Frank from DockerCon 2017)

Learn how the raft protocol works to keep modern orchestrators in sync, and how to recover from failures.

The What and Why of Kubernetes

Kubernetes Intro

Shifting gears to learn about Kubernetes!

What Is Kubernetes

What is this thing and how is it different from Docker and Swarm?

Why Kubernetes

Why would you need to use this orchestrator?

Kubernetes vs Swarm

Lots of features and opinions on what orchestrator to choose when.

Kubernetes Install And Your First Pods

Section Intro

We're about to get K8s installed and run our first Pods!

Kubernetes Architecture Terminology

How do the K8s pieces fit together on a server and network?

Kubernetes Local Install

The easiest ways for every OS to install Kubernetes for learning and testing.

Install Tips for minikube and MicroK8s

Things that can help you use Kubernetes in this course.

Kubernetes Container Abstractions

Study the abstraction layers that Kubernetes provides around your containers and services.

Kubectl run, create, and apply

The different ways to create resources from the CLI.

Our First Pod With kubectl run

The simplest way to start a container in a Pod.

1.18 Changes to Kubectl Run
Scaling ReplicaSets

Use kubectl to add pods to your Deployments.

Inspecting Kubernetes Objects

Use kubectl to show various details using different commands.

Exposing Kubernetes Ports

Section Intro
Service Types

Exposing containers and different service types.

Creating a ClusterIP Service

Learn the steps to create a deployment, scale it, expose it, and examine it.

Creating a NodePort and LoadBalancer Service

Expanding on the previous video, let's open a service to external incoming connections.

Kubernetes Services DNS

Learn about the CoreDNS plugin to provide service discovery.

Kubernetes Management Techniques

Section Intro
Run, Expose, and Create Generators

Learn about Generators, the YAML automation that some commands provide.

The Future of Kubectl Run

Learn how kubectl run command line is changing, and how you need to watch out.

Imperative vs. Declarative

Learn these key terms and an example of how these two techniques work.

Three Management Approaches

Understand the three different workflows for using kubectl.

Moving to Declarative Kubernetes YAML

Section Intro
Kubectl apply

Learn your new declarative way to control Kubernetes.

Kubernetes Configuration YAML

Dive into the YAML objects that you'll need to learn for creating Kubernetes config files.

Building Your YAML Files

The four main root objects for every manifest.

Building Your YAML Spec

How to discover the features and options of each Kubernetes resource.

Dry Runs and Diff's

Learn the cool new ways to validate your YAML with dry-run options and the diff command.

Labels and Label Selectors

Discover the glue that links resources together: Labels and Label Selectors.

Your Next Steps and The Future of Kubernetes

Section Intro
Storage in Kubernetes

We have multiple storage types in Kubernetes, let's learn about them and when to use them.


Ingress is a popular Kubernetes Controller for managing multiple web endpoints coming into the cluster. Let's learn when it might be useful.

CRD's and The Operator Pattern

This is one of the newest features in Kubernetes, and it's creating a whole new world of expansion. Let's learn the basics.

Higher Deployment Abstractions

There are so many ways to deploy and manage apps on Kubernetes. Let's learn about them.

Kubernetes Dashboard

Learn about the nice web app that Kubernetes provides for GUI management of the cluster.

Namespaces and Context

Once your complexity grows, and you have multiple clusters, you'll need to know Namespaces and Context.

Future of Kubernetes

Where is Kubernetes going? I try to give you some tips on what we should expect.

Docker Security Good Defaults and Tools

Section Intro: Top 10 Security Steps for Docker

This section is all about my "top 10 security steps" for starting to secure your Docker, Swarm, and Kubernetes setups.

Docker Cgroups and Namespaces

Learn about what Docker does by default to start containers, including locking down the apps with Linux Capabilities, AppArmor, SecComp, SE Linux, and Namespaces.

Docker Engine's Out-Of-The-Box Security Features

I list the security benefits of just putting apps in a Docker container vs. the traditional way of running on the host OS.

Docker Bench, The Host Configuration Scanner

I describe Docker Bench, a script that scans your host for proper configuration that follows CIS security guidelines.

Using USER in Dockerfiles to Avoid Running as Root

How to use the USER command in Dockerfiles to prevent your app from running as root in the container.

Docker User Namespaces for Extra Host Security

The why and how of User Namespaces, and optional Docker feature that I recommend.

Code Repo and Image Scanning for CVE's

Docker makes it easier than ever to scan your code and dependencies for CVE vulnerabilities and exposures in your images.

Sysdig Falco, Content Trust, and Custom Seccomp and AppArmor Profiles
Docker Rootless Mode

I talk about Rootless Mode, a new feature that lets you run Docker under a normal user account.

The Security Top 10 Differences for Windows Containers

I answer a question on how this list relates to Windows Container security.

What are Distroless Images?

I answer a question about what Distroless images are, and if I recommend them.

Are Swarm and Kubernetes Secrets Really Secure?

I answer a question on the security of Secrets in Swarm and Kubernetes, and how you might improve on them.

Docker 19.03 Release New Features

Section Intro
BuildKit and the new Docker buildx CLI
Docker Context and SSH Connections
Docker App and Image Packaging of Compose YAML
Rootless Mode in Docker Engine
Docker Desktop Enterprise
Docker Desktop Enterprise Clusters

DevOps and Docker Clips

DevOps and Docker Talk Intro
Alpine Base Images. Are They Really More Secure?
Dealing With Non-root Users In Containers and File Permissions
Apache Web Server Design. Many Sites In One Container, or Many Containers?
Docker Network IP Subnet Conflicts with Outside Networks

A viewer asks about how their local docker container IP's, if behind NAT, can have issues with outside subnets at their company. I explain some of the ways even NAT won't solve IP routing for containers and how you can change your settings to different private subnets.

Raspberry Pi Development in Docker

A viewer asks how they can prototype their software in Docker with a Raspberry Pi. I explain the various parts of the workflow including ARM 64 vs. x64 CPU architectures, the benefits of QEMU emulation in Docker Desktop, and how to get Docker images from your local machine to the Pi.

Windows 10 Containers Get Process Isolation

In Docker 18.09.1 and Docker Desktop (stable) in January 2019, we now have a new option for running Windows Containers on Windows 10 in "process isolation mode" which removes the need to launch a full Windows Server Hyper-V VM. It's a great new way for running lightweight Windows Containers, but has its own limits and config requirements.

Should You Move Postgres to Containers

In this clip I answer the question: should you migrate your postgres servers into containers

Using Supervisor To Run Multiple Apps In A Container

I answer a question on when you should run multiple apps in a container, and how you can use supervisor to do that

Should You Use Docker Compose or Swarm For A Single Server?

I give a quick answer to the discussion on a single production server. Should you use docker-compose or Docker Swarm?

Docker Environment Configs, Variables, and Entrypoints

In this Clip I go through the multiple ways to get your environment variables into a container, and what shouldn't go into your ENV's

Java and JBoss in Containers. One .war File Per Container?

Docker Captain Michael Irwin and I discuss Java .war files in containers, and how you should break them up. We answer a question on how to design them for easy isolation and replacement.

TLS in Dev and Prod with Docker

I answer a question about using TLS/SSL certificates in local development with Docker for microservices and then how to use those certs in production Docker. I talk about Let's Encrypt, Traefik, and more.

Multiple Docker Images From One Git Repo

I answer a question about how to build multiple Docker images from a single GitHub repository. I talk about how to change which Dockerfile Docker build will use, and how to control the path (or context) that Docker builds from.

Docker + ARM, Using Raspberry Pi or AWS A1 Instances with Docker

In this episode, I have guests Nirmal Mehta, a Chief Technologist at Booz Allen Hamilton, and Michael Irwin, an Application Architect at Virginia Tech University. We talk about running tech meetups, how to be a community leader, the Docker and ARM announcement (the processor in Raspberry Pi), Docker for Node.js, AWS ARM A1 instances, QEMU, Traefik Proxies, Docker Swarm, Network Time (NTP, SNTP), Let's Encrypt, and more.

Docker and Swarm RBAC Options
ENTRYPOINT vs. CMD, what's the difference in Dockerfiles

In this clip I discuss the differences between the dockerfiles commands of ENTRYPOINT and CMD, and how to use them together for automate container startup tasks

How to Use External Storage in Docker

In this clip/episode I answer a question about how to use external volume storage with docker and swarm.

Can I Turn a VM into a Container?

In this clip/episode I answer a question about if it's possible to migrate or containerize, a VM into a container.

Startup Order With Multi-Container Apps

Dockerfile and Compose File Reviews

Section Intro - My Reviews Of Your Dockerfiles
Real World PHP Dockerfile Review
Real World PHP, Apache, and Alpine Dockerfile Review
Real World PHP and FPM Dockerfile Review
Real World Elasticsearch Compose Stack File

Extra's, Common Questions, and Resources

Node.js Good Defaults For Docker

A sample Node.js project for learning how best to run Node apps in Docker

PHP and Docker Good Defaults Project Template
About the DCA (Docker Certificated Associate) and Kubernetes Certifications

This course gets you at least 50% ready for the DCA. I was a early beta tester of the exam, so here's an article on my experience and answering common questions I get from students about it.


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4.7 sur 5

Détails des Notes

Étoiles 5
Étoiles 4
Étoiles 3
Étoiles 2
Étoiles 1
Garantie de remboursement de 30 jours


20 heures de vidéo à la demande
Accès complet à vie
Accès sur le mobile et la télévision
Certificat d'achèvement


Working hours

Monday 9:30 am - 6.00 pm
Tuesday 9:30 am - 6.00 pm
Wednesday 9:30 am - 6.00 pm
Thursday 9:30 am - 6.00 pm
Friday 9:30 am - 5.00 pm
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed