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Le Qt complet – QML avec C++

Un cours complet sur Qt quick et QML.
Comment créer une interface utilisateur dans le framework Qt-QML.
Créer une application d'interface utilisateur multiplateforme avec Qt - QML et c++
Intégration de QML et CPP pour les données et les contrôleurs.
Qt-QML- Layouts, positionnement, composants, entrées utilisateur, animations, thèmes
Qt - Signal et slots, Systèmes d'événements, Filtrage d'événements
Qt- Threads - travailler avec le signal et les slots
Aperçu des composants internes de Qt-Core et Qt-Quick
Internationalisation des langues - de base
Configurations de projet
Reliure et Connexions
Aperçu de l'environnement Javascript
Élément QML : ligne de chemin, quadruple chemin

Un guide complet pour Qt-QML avec C++.

Ce cours couvre tous les concepts de base et fondamentaux du développement QT-QML, ce qui serait utile pour les débutants.

Ce cours comprend tous les sujets avancés et intermédiaires du développement QML avec C++. Une explication détaillée et des exemples sur diverses constructions QML. Une section dédiée couvre l’intégration des stagiaires C++ et QML des modèles et des contrôleurs.


Tous les exemples de codes et de projets sont disponibles sous forme de ressources téléchargeables dans les sections respectives. Cela aidera les utilisateurs à pratiquer et à essayer les concepts de programmation appris dans ce cours.

Introduction and overview

Introduction and course overview
Overview of framework

Introduction to Qt framework and cross platform support

Qt Download and Installation

Project configuration and setup

Project configuration files - Qt Quick Project Example
Settings, Project templates, General configuration

Overview of Qt Module and Base classes

Qt Modules - Qt Core, Qt GUI

Overview of Qt Core modules - QObjects, Qt Meta Object System, Qt Event System and Qt Property system.

Qt Classes : QCoreApplication , QGuiApplication, QApplication
QCoreApplication example
QGuiApplication Example
Overview of Qt Quick, Qt Quick Controls
Overview - JavaScript Environment for QML Applications

Overview of the java script environment for QML. This includes quick introduction to use of java script in QML.

Quiz for Overview of Qt modules

QtQuick - QML Applications

Qt Quick Application Example: Application Window and Column Layout

This is basic example  of how to create and manage component layout in QML with ApplicationWindow. This will help you to understand QGuiApplication and QQmlApplicationEngine.

There is Zip file attached with example source code. You can use that to quickly practice and try out example in Qt.

QML Item - Rectangle
QML Item - Image
QML Item PathLine (With Shape)

QML PathLine ( non visual)  example using Shape as a visual component.

QML Item PathPolyLine (With Shape gui)
QML Item PathQuad quadratic Bezier curve example
QML Item PathCubic Cubic Bezier curve - Drawing circle
User inputs and basic item positioning

Detailed example of how to have user inputs and positioning of components in QML.  This will help you to understand the use of Text, TextInput, TextField, TextArea, MouseArea, Keyboard inputs.

There is Zip file attached with example source code. You can use that to quickly practice and try out example in Qt.

QML Item Positioner : Column, Row, Grid, Flow

Detailed example of how to use the Item Positioner in QML.  This will help you to understand the use of Column, Row, Flow, Grid components in QML.

There is Zip file attached with example source code. You can use that to quickly practice and try out example in Qt.

Qt Quick Layouts : GridLayout, ColumnLayout, RowLayout, StackLayout

Detailed example of how Qt Quick Layout works in QML.  This will help you to understand the use of  ColumnLayout, GridLayout, StackLayout

There is Zip file attached with example source code. You can use that to quickly practice and try out example in Qt.

Positioning with Anchors

Detailed example of how to use the Anchors based positioning  in QML.  This will help you to understand the use of anchors in UI.

This will also explain use of "State" , "Button" and "Slider" components.

There is Zip file attached with example source code. You can use that to quickly practice and try out example in Qt.

Views in QtQuick: ListView, GridView, PathView.

Detailed example of how use Views in QML.  This video contains explanation on ListView, GridView, PathView. This will also give you idea about how to use models and delegates.  You will also learn to create index with multiple pages and loader.

There is Zip file attached with example source code. You can use that to quickly practice and try out example in Qt.

Binding QML Type and Connections QML Type

Detailed example of how to use bindings and connections in QML.

There is Zip file attached with example source code. You can use that to quickly practice and try out example in Qt.

DelegateModel QML Type and ObjectModel QML Type

This video contains examples about use of ObjectModel, DelegateModel, DelegateModelGroup, Package.

There is Zip file attached with example source code. You can use that to quickly practice and try out example in Qt.

Overview of Qt Core internals

Threading Basics

This video lecture explains overview about Qt threading and concurrency support.

Topics covered: Threading Basics, Alternatives to Threads, Reentrancy and Thread-Safety, Qthread, QRunnable, QThreadPool, WorkerScript

QTimer and Timer example

This example explains use of QTimer from Qt classes with example. Also the use of Time component from QML is included.

There is Zip file attached with example source code. You can use that to quickly practice and try out example in Qt.

QThread - Inherited and Move To Thread

This example explains use of QThread with integration with QML UI threads.

Example shows following 2 ways of using QThread: 1. As an inherited class from QThread.  2. As a QObject class moved to QThread.

There is Zip file attached with example source code. You can use that to quickly practice and try out example in Qt.

QThreadPool and QRunnable Example

In this lecture you will learn how to use QThreadPool and QRunnable class. Use of thread pool class attributes. This video contains example with visualization of the threading process in QML view.

There is Zip file attached with example source code. You can use that to quickly practice and try out example in Qt.

WorkerScript:Threading in QML Example

In this lecture you will learn how to use WorkerScript to run functions or subroutines in other thread.  This will help to run a time consuming or computation heavy operation in background, so your GUI thread remains responsive.

There is Zip file attached with example source code. You can use that to quickly practice and try out example in Qt.

Signals and slots overview

Overview of signal and slots, Connection types.

Signals and Slot Example with multi-threading.

This video lecture explains use of Signal and slots with example in Qt-Quick, QML. It contains explanation about connection types with their effect on behavior of signals and slots execution.

This video also includes signals and slot behavior in  multiple threads with different connection types.

There is Zip file attached with example source code. You can use that to quickly practice and try out example in Qt.

Internationalization - basic example

This is basic example of Internationalization in Qt-QML.

There is Zip file attached with example source code. You can use that to quickly practice and try out example in Qt.

Working with QML and C++

Interacting with QML Objects from C++

Interacting with qml object and properties from C++. This video will explain about various ways we can access, modify and create qml components from C++. You will learn about Loading QML Objects from C++, Accessing Loaded QML Objects by Object Name, Accessing Members of a QML Object Type from C++, Invoking QML Methods, Connecting to QML Signals.

There is Zip file attached with example source code. You can use that to quickly practice and try out example in Qt.

Application project in zip files contains examples with QtQuickView and QQmlApplicationEngine.

Exposing Attributes of C++ Types to QML

Interacting with C++ object attributes  from QML. This video will explain about exposing C++ attributes like class members, functions, slots and signals to QML.  You will learn to use the Q_PROPERTY to access and update C++ object member variables from QML. Use of Q_INVOKABLE keywod to create the shared callable from in C++. This functions can be called from qml using property.

There is Zip file attached with example source code. You can use that to quickly practice and try out example in Qt.

Application project in zip files contains examples with QtQuickView and QQmlApplicationEngine.

Overview:QML Register types and Data type conversion between QML-CPP-java script

Quick overview of various methods used to register C++ type in QML.

Registering an Instantiable Object Type with qmlRegisterType

This video explains with example how you can register an instantiable CPP type with QML, using qmlRegisterType() function.

There is Zip file attached with example source code. You can use that to quickly practice and try out example in Qt.

Application project in zip files contains examples with  QQmlApplicationEngine.

Registering Singleton types with qmlRegisterSingletonType

This video explains with example how you can register a singleton CPP type with QML, using qmlRegisterSingletonType() function.  Example contains use of QQmlEngine and  QQmlEngine to register singleton class.

Example also include use of QJSValue as a singleton structure.

Application project in zip files contains examples with  QQmlApplicationEngine.

Registering Singleton instance with qmlRegisterSingletonInstance

This video explains with example how you can register a singleton CPP instance with QML, using qmlRegisterSingletonInstance() function.  Example contains use of QScopedPointer to created scoped pointer to be  register singleton class instance.

Application project in zip files contains examples with  QQmlApplicationEngine.

Data Type Conversion Between QML and C++

This video contains example on Data Type Conversion Between QML and C++. Included data types are QVariant, QVariantMap, QVariantList, Enums, RegisterEnumClassesUnscoped.

There is Zip file attached with example source code. You can use that to quickly practice and try out example in Qt.

Application project in zip files contains examples with  QQmlApplicationEngine.

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Monday 9:30 am - 6.00 pm
Tuesday 9:30 am - 6.00 pm
Wednesday 9:30 am - 6.00 pm
Thursday 9:30 am - 6.00 pm
Friday 9:30 am - 5.00 pm
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed