Avez-vous besoin de rédiger une thèse, un article de recherche ou un livre en LaTeX ? Vous souhaitez créer des documents d’aspect professionnel avec LaTeX pour améliorer votre rédaction technique ? Ou êtes-vous soudainement obligé d’apprendre LaTeX pour une autre raison, mais vous n’avez nulle part où commencer ? Si oui, alors ce cours est fait pour vous !
Bonjour !
Nous sommes un couple (Eirik et Stine) qui adorent créer des cours de haute qualité ! Ensemble, nous avons environ 10 ans d’expérience avec LaTeX. Nous utilisons tous les deux LaTeX et Overleaf au quotidien, et nous avons hâte de tout vous apprendre !
En quoi consiste ce cours :
Dans ce cours, nous vous apprendrons à rédiger des documents académiques avec LaTeX. Il n’y a pas de meilleur moyen de créer des documents d’aspect professionnel qu’en utilisant LaTeX. Apprendre LaTeX pour les débutants peut sembler difficile et frustrant. Nous avons créé un cours concis qui vous apprendra LaTeX sans frustration ! Une fois que vous maîtrisez LaTeX, vous pouvez vous concentrer sur le contenu plutôt que de vous retrouver piégé dans un cauchemar typographique.
Pourquoi nous choisir ?
Ce cours est une introduction complète à LaTeX en utilisant Overleaf ! Nous ne craignons pas les aspects techniques et voulons que vous vous démarquiez avec vos compétences LaTeX nouvellement acquises. Le cours se compose de nombreux quiz et projets afin que vous acquériez des connaissances intimes sur l’écriture de LaTeX dans Overleaf. Si vous avez des questions pendant le cours, alors n’hésitez pas à nous demander de l’aide dans le Q&A.
Dans ce cours sur LaTeX destiné aux débutants, nous vous guiderons depuis les bases toutes les chemin vers des fonctionnalités plus avancées en utilisant Overleaf. Vous n’avez besoin d’aucune connaissance de LaTeX, Overleaf ou de la composition en général.
Sujets que nous couvrirons :
Nous couvrirons beaucoup de sujets différents sujets de ce cours. Par ordre d’apparition, ils sont :
- Présentation de LaTeX et Overleaf
- Le squelette d’un document LaTeX
- Créer des listes et des tableaux
- Écrire de belles mathématiques
- Inclure des images
- Ajouter des références et des liens
- Écrire de belles mathématiques 2
- Styler avec des polices et Couleurs
- Citer des références
- Utiliser des classes et des modèles
- Présenter avec Beamer
- Créer des figures avec TikZ
En suivant notre cours, vous serez à l’aise avec LaTeX et aurez une solide base pour la rédaction de documents de haute qualité.
Vous n’êtes toujours pas décidé ?
Le cours a une durée de 30 jours politique de remboursement, donc si vous n’êtes pas satisfait du cours, vous pouvez récupérer votre argent sans douleur. Si vous n’êtes toujours pas sûr après avoir lu ceci, jetez un coup d’œil à certains des aperçus gratuits ci-dessous et voyez si vous les appréciez. J’espère vous voir bientôt !
Introducing LaTeX and Overleaf
We give a high-lever overview of what LaTeX is!
The Skeleton of a LaTeX Document
We show what we will learn in this section!
In this video, we explain the minimal working LaTeX document and what the individual parts do.
This quiz is about how to make a minimal working document. Are you ready to start?
In this video we show we how to write sections and subsections in LaTeX!
In this video, we give a short introduction to packages!
This quiz contains questions about sections and packages. Are you ready?
In this video, we show you how to do basic text-formatting.
In this video, we show you how to make comments in LaTeX.
In this video, we will show you how to add multi-line comments to your LaTeX documents.
This quiz is about paragraphs, text formatting and comments. Are you ready?
In this video, you will get an opportunity to practice what you have learned by writing an "About me" document.
Creating Lists and Tables
In this video, we give an overview of the topics covered in this section.
In this video, we explain the difference between commands and environments.
This quiz is about commands and environments. Are you ready?
In this video, we explain how to make unordered lists in LaTeX.
In this video, we show you how to make ordered lists in LaTeX.
This quiz is about making lists. Are you ready?
Get practice with lists by replicating a provided list.
In this video, we will begin showing you how to make tables in LaTeX.
In this video, we will continue to show you how to make tables in LaTeX.
This quiz is about making tables. Are you ready?
Get practice with tables by replicating the table we provide for you.
Writing Beautiful Mathematics 1
This video gives an overview of the topics covered in this section.
In this video, we show you how to write inline math.
In this video, we will show you how to write greek letters and fractions in LaTeX.
This quiz is about inline math and how to write elementary math in LaTeX. Are you ready?
In this video, you will learn to write display math and subscripts.
In this video, we will go through a few special functions and show you an awesome website called Detexify!
This quiz will test you on display math and the Detexify site. Are you ready?
In this video, we give you an exercise about second degree polynomials.
Including Images
In this video, we introduce the topics that we will go through in this section.
In this video, we show you how to include images in your LaTeX documents.
In this video, we show you how to use the figure environment.
This quiz covers how to include and place pictures in your LaTeX document. Are you ready?
In this video, we will show you how to wrap figures in between text.
In this video, we will give you an exercise about including images.
Adding References and Links
In this video, we will introduce the topics that will be covered in this section.
In this video, we show you how to do basic referencing in LaTeX.
In this video, we show you how to reference equations in LaTeX.
This quiz is about how to make references in LaTeX. Are you ready?
In this video, we show you how to use the hyperref package and how to add links to your LaTeX document.
This quiz is about the hyperref package. Are you ready?
Writing Beautiful Mathematics 2
In this video, we introduce more math symbols that everyone should know!
In this video, we will show you how to write mathematics on multiple lines in LaTeX.
In this video, we will show you how to format several mathematical equations correctly.
In this video, we show you how to use different mathematics fonts in LaTeX.
In this video, we will show you how to make matrices and cases-environments in LaTeX.
In this video, we will show you how to create theorems, definitions, and remarks in LaTeX.
In this video, we will show you how to number theorems and how to change the theoremstyle.
This quiz is about creating theorem environments. Are you ready?
Styling with Fonts and Colors
This video gives an overview of what we will learn in this section.
In this video, we show how the change the appearance of our documents by manipulating the text.
This quiz is about manipulating text. Are you ready?
In this video, we show you one way to get external fonts into your LaTeX document.
This quiz is about the video "Finding Other Fonts". Are you ready?
In this video, we show you how to set basic colours in your document.
This quiz is about colors. Are you ready?
In this video, we show you how to design your own colours in LaTeX!
This quiz is about making custom colors. Are you ready?
Citing References
In this video, we will introduce the topics that will be covered in this section.
In this video, we will show you how to add a bibliography in the main file.
This quiz is about how to cite your references. Are you ready?
In this video, we will show you how to create an external bibliography with BibTeX.
In this video, we will show you how to use the BibTeX database we made in the previous video.
This quiz is about using BibTeX. Are you ready?
Using Classes and Templates
In this video, we will introduce the topics that will be covered in this section.
In this video, we will show you how to use optional arguments in the documentclass.
This quiz is about the optional arguments in the documentclass. Are you ready?
In this video, we show you how to work with the letter documentclass.
In this video, we will show you how to use templates that other people have written.
In this video, we show you how to get a hold of a great looking CV.
Presenting with Beamer
In this video, we will introduce the topics that will be covered in this section.
In this video, we will show you how to get started with Beamer.
In this video, we will show you how to structure your video.
In this quiz, we will ask you Beamer-related questions. Are you ready?
In this video, we will show you how you style your Beamer presentations!
In this project, we ask you to make your own Beamer presentation.
Creating Figures With TikZ
In this video, we will give a brief introduction to the TikZ package.
In this video, we will learn how to create lines in TikZ.
In this exercise, you will get practice by drawing a triangle in TikZ.
In this video, we will learn how to create circles and squares in TikZ.
In this exercise, you will practice drawing rectangles and circles in TikZ.
In this video, we will learn how to plot functions in TikZ.
In this exercise, we will practice on drawing functions in TikZ.
In this video, we will learn how to plot curves in TikZ.
In this video, we will learn how to utilize for-loops to create tick marks.
In this exercise, you will get practice on for-loops by writing more ticks ... in Tikz!
In this video, I will show you how to draw 3D drawings in TikZ!
Further Topics and Goodbye!
In this video, we will introduce further topics that will be covered in this section.
In this video, we will show you how to write code in your LaTeX document with verbatim!
In this quiz, we test if you understood the last video about displaying code in LaTeX. Are you ready?
In this video, we will show you how to split your document into multiple files.
In this quiz, we will test you in working with multiple files.
In this video, we show you how to define your own custom commands!
In this video, we will show you how to use arguments in your custom commands.
In this quiz, we will test you on the two previous videos on custom commands. Are you ready?
In this final video, we give you a few further resources on LaTeX and say goodbye!