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REST API Design, Development & Management

Apprenez les concepts de l'API REST, les meilleures pratiques de conception, les pratiques de sécurité, Swagger 2.0/OAI, la gestion pratique des API
Instructeur :
Mahefa Abel
English En savoir plus
Concevoir et développer des API RESTful en appliquant les meilleures pratiques & contraintes REST
Créer des pratiques pour la sécurité des API, la gestion des versions, la gestion du cycle de vie, la documentation et d'autres aspects importants
Écrire les spécifications dans les spécifications Swagger2.0/OAI au format YAML
Créez une stratégie de gestion des API pour votre entreprise
Exploitez certaines des plates-formes de gestion d'API courantes pour créer des proxys d'API (APIGEE, IBM API Connect, Mulesoft Anypoint)

PS : 

  • Ce COURS ne PAS focus sur le Codage de l’API REST  – L’accent est mis sur la Conception  en utilisant des modèles éprouvés.
  • Veuillez NE PAS vous inscrire si votre objectif/objectif est simplement d’apprendre la partie “Codage” de l’API REST.


Comment ce cours a-t-il été créé ?

L’auteur (Raj) a travaillé avec de nombreuses grandes organisations pour élaborer leur stratégie numérique dans lequel l’API était un thème central. Au fil des ans, l’auteur a reconnu certains modèles et pratiques qui ont conduit à des initiatives API réussies. Intrigué par ses découvertes, l’auteur a effectué des recherches approfondies sur 100 autres fournisseurs d’API à succès (exemples : Facebook, Expedia, Capital One …) et cela a abouti à une collection de bonnes pratiques et de modèles de conception qui sont couverts dans ce cours.

Ce cours couvre tous les aspects importants liés à la conception, au développement et à la gestion des API. Les meilleures pratiques, modèles de conception, défis, suggestions et options abordées dans ce cours sont :

  • Créé en analysant comment les fournisseurs d’API populaires tels que Facebook, Twitter, Capital One, etc. créent et gèrent leur API
  • Tiré de données personnelles expériences de l’auteur


Le cours est divisé en 6 parties :

1. Préparer le terrain – Discute d’une étude de cas (ACME voyages) utilisée tout au long du cours + fournit des informations sur les outils utilisés

2. Évolution de  API REST – Les conférences de cette section couvriront les concepts fondamentaux + Pourquoi REST/JSON est devenu une norme de facto

3. Conception de l’API REST (Couvrant plusieurs sections)

C’est ici que les étudiants apprendront :

  • Meilleur Pratiques
  • Modèles d’implémentation

Pour démontrer les aspects d’implémentation, un ensemble d’API basées sur NodeJS est également implémenté pour une entreprise fictive ACME Voyages.

4. Sécurisation de l’API REST

Lorsqu’une API est exposée par une entreprise à l’Internet public, elle présente un risque pour l’entreprise car les pirates peuvent utiliser les vulnérabilités de l’API pour lancer des attaques contre l’entreprise. Il existe plusieurs types d’attaques fonctionnelles que le fournisseur d’API doit prendre en compte. Vous découvrirez les attaques courantes et les meilleures pratiques pour protéger l’API.

5. Spécifications Swagger 2.0 / Open API Initiative

Cette section commencera par la description du processus de développement des spécifications Collaboratives & avantages d’adopter l’approche du contrat d’abord. À la fin de cette section, l’étudiant sera capable d’écrire les spécifications Swagger/OAI pour sa propre API. Dans le cadre des cours magistraux, un cahier des charges complet sera élaborépour ACME Vacances.

6. API Management

API management  est le processus de publication, de documentation et de supervision des interfaces de programmation d’applications (API) dans un environnement sécurisé et évolutif environnement. Les conférences de cette section couvrent les détails des activités suivantes qu’un fournisseur d’API effectue dans le cadre de la gestion des API.

APIgee, IBM API Connect La plates-forme & Mulesoft seront utilisées pour démontrer les divers aspects de la gestion des API abordés dans les conférences. Les étudiants sont encouragés à essayer ces plates-formes par eux-mêmes pour avoir une bonne idée de ce que les plates-formes de gestion des API apportent à la table. Les trois plates-formes offrent une version d’essai gratuite qui peut être utilisée pour les tests.


Pourquoi REST API ?

Aujourd’hui, les entreprises utilisent les API REST pour créer non seulement des applications mobiles, mais aussi pour :

  • Créer de nouveaux canaux de partenariat
  • Créer de nouvelles sources de revenus & modèles commerciaux
  • Promouvoir leurs marques

Le simple fait de créer l’API  ne garantit pas que l’entreprise sera en mesure d’atteindre les objectifs souhaités du point de vue de l’API. L’adoption de l’API par les développeurs dépend de plusieurs aspects tels que son utilité, sa facilité d’utilisation, ses performances, son évolutivité, sa sécurité. Le fournisseur d’API doit appliquer les meilleures pratiques tout au long du cycle de vie d’une API.


Qui doit suivre ce cours ?

Ce cours s’adresse à tout technologue intéressé par l’apprentissage de l’API REST de bout en bout, et pas seulement du point de vue du codage. Bien que ce cours utilise NodeJS pour démontrer les meilleures pratiques de conception, il n’exige pas que les étudiants aient une expérience préalable avec NodeJS.

Pour suivre ce cours, l’étudiant doit connaître un (ou plusieurs) ) langage de programmation ; avoir compréhension de l’architecture des applications Web ; se familiar avec la notion de services ; comprend les formats de données tels que JSON ou XML

Veuillez noter que ce cours n’enseignera PAS comment coder REST API dans NodeJS.

Setting the stage

Introduction to the Author and the Course
  • Quick introduction to the course

  • Tips on how to get the most out of this course

Summary decks download link for the course

Provides link for summary decks download.

ACME Travels - Case study

ACME Travels is a fictitious company that is going through a crisis as they did not keep up to speed with the technology. Their CTO has a vision to create an API driven organization.

This quick lecture describes the ACME case study that will be used in discussions of various concepts discussed in this course. All APIs created in the course are for ACME travels.

Tools for Design, Development,Testing and Management or REST API

In this course multiple tools will be used. This quick lecture describes the tools that will be used in this course. Students are not expected to have any prior experience with any of the tools discussed

Crash course on MongoDB Atlas Offering

In this lecture students will learn about the free MongoDB sandbox environment offered by http://mlab.com

Samples in this course will use the MongoDB instance on mlab.com

Evolution of RESTful services

What is an API

Walkthrough of a scenario to explain what an API is.

Evolution of REST/JSON API

Students will learn about the 

  • Issues with using XML/RPC for mobile applications
  • History of RESTful API
  • How so many organizations are leveraging REST API 
Introduction to RESTful API

Students will learn the core concepts of RESTful API. At end of the lecture they would understand the following terms:

  • Representational state
  • Resources
  • State transfer

Also covers the demonstration of a publicly available REST API from Walmart.

API 101

Checks students understanding of general concepts of API

Private, Public and Partner API

Students will learn about the three types of APIs.

Example REST API Walkthrough

In this lecture students will learn about the API exposed by TicketMaster.

API Value Chain

Student will learn about:

  • the API value chain
  • "common sense" design principles :)

REST API Architectural Constraints

Introduction to REST Architecture Constraints

Just using the JSON+HTTP does not automatically make the API RESTful. In this student will get a overview of the REST constraints described by Roy Fielding in his dissertation paper.

REST API Architectural Constraint - Client Server

Student will learn about the benefit of following the "Client-Server" constraint which is considered the foundation for the RESTful API.

REST API Architectural Constraint - Uniform Interface

Student will learn about the constraint#2 Uniform Interface + the 4 guiding principles that are part of the Uniform Interface constraint.

REST API Architectural Constraint - Statelessness

Student will learn about the "Statelessness" constraint. 

REST API Architectural Constraint - Caching

In this lecture student will learn 

  • about the HTTP Caching headers
  • how the HTTP Cache-Control can be used to achieve better performance
  • how the caching strategy counterbalances the "performance" hit due to "statelessness"
REST API Architectural Constraint - Layered System

Student how "Layered System" architecture enables a incremental evolutionary approach.

REST API Architectural Constraint - Code On Demand

This lecture describes the (optional) REST constraint referred to as the "Code on Demand"

Richardson Maturity Model for REST API

At the end of this lecture the Student will be able to evaluate the maturity level of an organization from the perspective of adoption of RESTful architecture & practices. 

REST API Architectural Constraints

Test student's knowledge of REST architectural constraints.

WebApp versus REST API Architecture

Desigining REST API

API Endpoint URL

Students will learn about the structure of the API Endpoint URL

Practices for Resource Names, Actions & Associations

Student will learn about:

  • Conventions used for "Base URL"
  • resource naming for REST API. Examples of how Facebook/Walmart ... are naming their resources
Walk through: Setup the API URI for ACME API
HTTP API Request flow and HTTP Status Code
Implementing REST API CRUD operations

Describes how to implement the API CRUD operations. Covers the use of HTTP verbs, status codes and how to implement the support for multiple data formats.

API Data Format Setup
Setup the Demo/Test environment

You will be seeing the API(s) in actions. This lecture will provide you the steps to setup the local environment.

Walkthrough: Creating a Vacations API in Node JS

In this lecture students will learn how to create a simple API in Node. At the end of the lecture students are expected to be able to extend the vacations API to add more operations.

Implement REST API

This quiz will test the student's understanding of how to implement basic operations & error handling for REST API.

REST API Error Handling Patterns

REST API Error Handling Practices

Students will how to implement error handling in REST API

Application Error Handling Patterns
Walkthrough: Implementation of error handling for POST API

Walk through of the code for demonstrating the error handling for REST API

Code available at https://www.github.com/acloudfan

REST API Error Handling

Test student's knowledge of designing the error handling for their API

REST API Handling Change - Versioning Patterns

Handling changes to API

Students will learn about common changes required for API after they have been released. Also included is a discussion on practices for handling API changes. 

  • Breaking  change & how to handle it
  • Non-breaking change
Versioning the API

Student will learn the  common version strategies for the REST API. Also understand the API lifeservice from version perspective.

Walk through : ACME API Versioning

REST API Cache Control Patterns

API Caching (1 of 2) Concepts & Design decisions

Students will learn 

  • the benefits of Caching
  • practices around what to cache and the design decisions
API Caching (2 of 2) Cache Control Directive

Student will lear how to use the HTTP cache control directive

Walk Through : API Caching using Cache-Control Directives

API implementations can use the HTTP header Cache-Control to take advantage of the HTTP protocol built in support for caching. In this lecture students will learn the various directives (instructions) they can use for building API with cache support. 

This lecture demonstrates the use of the HTTP caching header from the Node JS API.

API Caching

Checks students knowledge of general concepts of caching and Cache-Control directives.

REST API Response Data Handling Patterns

Building support for Partial Responses

Its common for many popular API providers (Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest...) to support partial response in their APIs. In this lecture student will learn the benefits of supporting partial responses and they will see a demo of building API with support for partial responses (ACME Hotels API)

Walk through : Setup Partial Response Support in ACME API

Students will see the implementation of partial response pattern

Building support for Pagination

In this lecture students will learn common ways in which Pagination support may be implemented in an API. At the end of this lecture they would learn how to build pagination in  a MongoDB/Node application using the limit/skip functions

Walk through : Building support for Pagination in ACME API
Building support for Partial Responses & Pagination

Checks students understanding of how to design API with support for partial responses and pagination

REST API Security

REST API Security - Introduction

Student will learn about security aspects related to  API:

  • Authentication
  • Authorization
  • Functional attacks
Securing API with Basic Authentication

Basic authentication is the simplest form of authentication that may be applied to the API. Student will learns concepts and then understand how to code Basic Auth in Node JS code.

API Basic Authentication

Tests the student on their understanding of Basic authentication

Securing API with Tokens & JWT

Student will learn:

  • What are tokens?
  • Jason Web Token (JWT) standard
  • Securing Node REST API with JWT
API Token based Authentication & JWT

Checks student's understanding of Token based authentication and JWT

Securing API with API Key & Secret

The API Key/Secret is the most common way the API providers protect the API. In this lecture student will learn about:

  • implementation of the key/secret
  • practices for the implementation of the key/secret
  • technical considerations for implementing key/secret base auth
API Keys and Secret

Tests students understanding of concept of client key & secret 

API Authorization using OAuth2.0

Student will learn the concepts of OAuth2.0. 

In this lecture, student will also learn how Spotify (Streaming music) has implemented the OAuth2 for their public API.

API Authorization OAuth2.0

Tests student's understanding of concepts of API authorization and OAuth 2.0

API Security - Functional Attack

Hackers are always looking for threats/vulnerabilities in publicly available API. Student will learn abut common types of attack. In the lecture the student will also see a demonstration of a "SQLInjection" attack.

REST API Specifications using Swagger 2.0 / OAI

Requirements Analysis Process & Intro to REST Specifications

In this lecture student will learn:

  • contract first approach
  • collaborative specifications development process
  • different REST API specifications standard
  • introduction to Swagger/OAI standard
REST API Specifications

Checks student's knowledge of basic concepts of REST API specifications

Swagger/OAI Specifications Walkthrough

In this lecture student will get an overview of he Swagger/OAI + YAML specifications. Also discuss the various editor options for Swagger/OIA

Introduction to Swagger/OAI specifications

Tests the student on their knowledge of Swagger

Swagger/OAI Specifications, Part 1 of 3

Students will learn:

  • structure of the Swagger/OAI specs document
  • about the tools for Swagger/OAI document editing
  • to create the Swagger/OAI specifications in YAML format
Structure & Elements of Swagger/OAI specifications

Checks student's understanding of the specifications format

Swagger/OAI Specifications, Part 2 of 3

Student will learn how to define the following in Swagger/OAI specs:

  • Request/response schema
  • Security definitions
  • Parameters
Structure & Elements of Swagger/OAI specifications (2/3)
Swagger/OAI Specifications, Part 3 of 3

Student will learn how to create Paths/Operations in the Swagger/OAI specifications. Walkthrough of the developer documentation generated from the specifications.

Structure & Elements of Swagger/OAI specifications (3/3)

Checks student's understanding of the Paths/Resources

API Management

Introduction to API Management

In this lecture student will learn about the 

  • Activities that fall under the scope of API management
  • Common API management infrastructure setup (Agent & Proxy model)
API Lifecycle & Developer Productivity

In this lecture student will learn about the practices for managing the API "Lifecycle" that has 5 stages. 

How API developer productivity is enhanced by way of adoption of the API management platforms.

Demonstration of specification import process on the "Mulesoft" and "IBM API Connect" platform

Generate the API proxy on "Apigee" platform using the vacation specification generated in previous section. Apply policies to control the behavior of the API.

API Developer Portal

Student will learn about the essential features of the API developer portal. At the end of the lecture will be in a position to decide whether to build or buy a portal for their API.

At end of the lecture student will see how easily an off the shelf developer portal (Mulesoft) can easily be customized.

API Security Management

Students will learn about:

  • security best practices
  • the need for the minimal security (key) for the API
  • how API management based solution can be used for key authentication (demo on Apigee)
API Traffic Management

Student will learn 

  • why an API provider MUST carry out traffic management
  • about types of traffic management policies (Quota, Spike arrest, Rate limiting)

    Lecture also includes demo of the traffic policies in action on Apigee platform.

API Analytics

API Analytics is an important aspect of API management. There are multiple types of analytics collected on the API platform. Student will learn abut the common analytics collected on API platforms and how it can be leveraged by the developers.

API Product and API Monetization

Students will learn about the good practice that states "Treat your API like a product if you would like to sell it like a product". 

Also the student will understand the

  • concept of monetization
  • various monetization models
  • technology considerations from the realization perspective

Good Bye & All the Best

Good bye
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4.4 sur 5

Détails des Notes

Étoiles 5
Étoiles 4
Étoiles 3
Étoiles 2
Étoiles 1
Suivre un cours
Garantie de remboursement de 30 jours


8 heures de vidéo à la demande
articles 1
Accès complet à vie
Accès sur le mobile et la télévision
Certificat d'achèvement


Working hours

Monday 9:30 am - 6.00 pm
Tuesday 9:30 am - 6.00 pm
Wednesday 9:30 am - 6.00 pm
Thursday 9:30 am - 6.00 pm
Friday 9:30 am - 5.00 pm
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed