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Introduction à la gestion des services avec ITIL 4

En savoir plus sur la gestion des services, les quatre dimensions, les principes directeurs, le système de valeur du service et les meilleures pratiques ITSM
Décrire le cadre ITIL
Comprendre des exemples concrets
Appliquer ITIL 4 à votre organisation
Discutez des concepts ITIL 4 en toute confiance

IT Service Management aide toutes les organisations, quel que soit leur industrie ou leur secteur d’activité, à fournir leurs services informatiques en utilisant les méthodes les plus efficaces et les plus économiques. Le cadre ITIL® se concentre sur les meilleures pratiques de gestion des services informatiques et sur l’efficacité des opérations, et est utilisé dans les organisations gouvernementales, commerciales et à but non lucratif.

Ce cours fournit une introduction à la gestion des services et couvre les concepts de base de la création de valeur, des offres de services, des relations de service, de l’obtention de résultats, de la gestion des coûts, de l’atténuation des risques et de la mesure de l’utilité et de la garantie d’un service donné.

En prime gratuite, il existe également un section complète du cours consacrée au nouvel examen de certification ITIL 4 Foundation , qui est la certification de niveau d’entrée dans le cadre ITIL et offre un aperçu exceptionnel de ITIL. En obtenant votre certification ITIL 4 Foundation, vous montrez aux employeurs que vous comprenez les éléments clés, les concepts et la terminologie utilisés dans ITIL, y compris la façon dont les opérations se déplacent entre chaque activité et processus pour créer de la valeur dans le système de valeur de service, et leur globalité. contribution aux meilleures pratiques de gestion des services.

Veuillez noter que ce cours ne remplace PAS le manuel complet et NE couvre PAS l’ensemble des objectifs de l’examen ITIL 4 Foundation en profondeur. Ce cours est conçu pour vous introduire aux concepts de gestion des services et à un cadre de meilleures pratiques ITSM afin que vous puissiez déterminer si étudier pour la certification ITIL 4 Foundation est fait pour vous.


À la fin de ce cours, vous gagnerez 2 CEU pour le renouvellement de votre CompTIA A+, Network+, Security+, Linux+, Certifications Cloud+, PenTest+, CySA+ ou CASP+.


Le cours sur cette page est proposé par Dion Training Solutions, LLC, un ATO d’AXELOS Limited. ITIL, ITIL Foundation et le logo Swirl sont des marques déposées d’AXELOS Limited. Tous les droits sont réservés.



This lesson consists of a brief overview of the course, an introduction to your instructor, and how to use the most important features in this course.

Download the Study Guide

This lesson provides you with the ability to download the Study Guide for this course.

4th Industrial Revolution

This lesson discusses ITIL and the fourth industrial revolution.

Service Organizations

This lesson discusses what a service organization is and how your company might be one.

Quiz: Introduction

This quiz will test your knowledge of the topics covered in this section of the course.

Service Management

Service Management

This lesson provides an overview of this section of the course, including the generalized concepts of service management and the concepts of outcomes, risks, utility, and warranty, to help build a solid foundation before we move into the specific ITIL 4 concepts covered throughout the rest of this course.


This lesson discusses the concept of Value in service management, and how value is created through the consumer/supplier relationship.

Organizations and People

This lesson discusses the roles an organization and people within them can assume, such as the service provider, consumer, user, customer, and sponsor.

Services and Products

This lesson discusses the concepts of services and products within ITIL 4.

Service Offerings

This lesson will discuss the concept of a service offering and how it is associated with the products and services in an organization.

Service Relationships

This lesson focuses on the concept of service relationships and the service relationship model.


This lesson discusses the concept of an outcome and how it is used to balance the risk and the value for a consumer.


This lesson discusses the concept of costs, how they are reduced by a service provider, and shared by a consumer.


This lesson discusses the four ways to deal with risk in a service.

Utility and Warranty

This lesson compares and contrasts utility and warranty.

Quiz: Service Management

This quiz will test your knowledge of the topics covered in this section of the course.

The Basics of ITIL 4 (BONUS SECTION)

Four Dimensions of Service Management

This lesson discusses the four perspectives that are critical to the effective and efficient facilitation of value for customers and other stakeholders in the form of products and services.

Service Value System

This lesson discusses a model representing how all the components and activities of an organization work together to facilitate value creation.

Guiding Principles

This lesson discusses the recommendations that can guide an organization in all circumstances, regardless of changes in its goals, strategies, type of work, or management structure.

Service Value Chain

This lesson discusses the concept of the service value chain.

Continual Improvement

This lesson discusses the practice of aligning an organization’s practices and services with changing business needs through the ongoing identification and improvement of all elements involved in the effective management of products and services.

The 34 Practices

This is an introduction to the 34 practices spread across three categories of management practices.

Putting It All Together

In this lesson, we will walk through a scenario to demonstrate how all of these practices and activities work together in the real world.

Quiz: Basics of ITIL 4

This quiz will test your knowledge of the topics covered in this section of the course.

Practice Exam

ITIL 4 Foundation Exam

This lesson discusses the ITIL 4 Foundation exam, including what type of questions to expect, and how to best study for it.

Classic Questions

This quiz provides some examples of classic multiple-choice questions.

Missing Word Questions

This quiz provides some examples of missing word questions.

List Questions

This quiz provides some examples of list questions.


ITIL Certification Path

This lesson discusses the ITIL certification path upwards from ITIL 4 Foundation into ITIL Managing Professional, ITIL Strategic Leader, and ITIL Master.

BONUS: Conclusion

In this lesson, you will receive a final conclusion and summary of the course.

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Détails des Notes

Étoiles 5
Étoiles 4
Étoiles 3
Étoiles 2
Étoiles 1
Garantie de remboursement de 30 jours


2 heures de vidéo à la demande
articles 1
Accès complet à vie
Accès sur le mobile et la télévision
Certificat d'achèvement


Working hours

Monday 9:30 am - 6.00 pm
Tuesday 9:30 am - 6.00 pm
Wednesday 9:30 am - 6.00 pm
Thursday 9:30 am - 6.00 pm
Friday 9:30 am - 5.00 pm
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed