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Présentation de Windows PowerShell 5.1

Installer PowerShell 5.1, comprendre la syntaxe PowerShell, configurer un laboratoire informatique PowerShell, gérer Active Directory avec Powershell
Instructeur :
Mahefa Abel
English En savoir plus
Comprendre la ligne de commande Powershell
Comment écrire des scripts Powershell pour automatiser les tâches redondantes
Installer et mettre à jour Windows PowerShell
Apprenez les bases de Windows PowerShell 5.1
Introduction à la console basée sur le texte et à l'environnement de script intelligent (ISE)
Utiliser le système d'aide PowerShell
Enfin comprendre la syntaxe PowerShell
Comprendre les objets, les propriétés et les méthodes
Comprendre le pipeline PowerShell
Créer et gérer des utilisateurs Active Directory avec PowerShell
Créer et supprimer des unités organisationnelles avec PowerShell

Ce cours est conçu pour vous fournir une base solide de Windows PowerShell 5.1. Nous commencerons par les bases de PowerShell 5.1 et terminerons par l’écriture de vos propres scripts d’automatisation puissants.

Dans ce cours, nous aborderons les principaux sujets suivants :

  • Les bases de Windows PowerShell
  • Configuration système requise pour Windows PowerShell
  • Installation et mise à jour de Windows PowerShell
  • Comment utiliser la CLI (Interface de ligne de commande)
  • Comment utiliser l’ISE (Intelligent Scripting Environment)
  • Comment obtenir de l’aide et trouver des commandes dans la CLI
  • Démarrer avec Windows PowerShell
  • Obtenir de l’aide et trouver des commandes
  • Le langage de PowerShell – Syntaxe des commandes, objets et propriétés, et le pipeline
  • Configurez votre propre PowerShell On Premises IT Lab
  • Administration de base de domaine Active Directory avec Windows Powershell
  • Une introduction à la configuration de l’état souhaité fait simple !
  • Et BEAUCOUP plus !

Une fois que nous aurons couvert cette base, nous passerons à l’écriture de scripts PowerShell. Nous commencerons par des tâches simples avant de passer à l’écriture de scripts plus avancés et compliqués.



Welcome to PowerShell for Beginners and Administrators Course. This course will improve how you manage your IT environment, and it will get your very familiar with PowerShell and how to find all the right commands  using the PowerShell built-in help system!  

Windows PowerShell System Requirements

In this lecture we will discuss the Windows PowerShell requirements for a production and our lab environment

Getting Started with Windows PowerShell

Section Overview
The Basics of PowerShell

In this lecture we'll get you up and running with PowerShell no matter what your background.

Installing and Updating PowerShell

In this lecture, we will be installing and updating Windows Powershell. PowerShell is already installed on Wwindows 7, Server 2008, and every release since then.

The Text Based Console - Part 1 - An Overview

In this lecture you will learn how to configure and customize the text based console. And learn some new commands as well.

The Text Based Console - Part 2 - An Overview

In this lecture we complete our console configuration and then we demonstrate tab completion.

The ISE - Part 1 (Intelligent Scripting Environment)

This is when the fun begins with an introduction to the awesome ISE (intelligent Scripting Environment)

The ISE - Part 2 - (Intelligent Scripting Environment)

In this lecture, we will be continuing from the previous lecture! 

Quiz for Section 2 - Getting Started with Windows PowerShell

Getting Help and Finding Commands

Section Overview
Part 1- Getting Help and Finding Commands

In this lecture, we will be going over getting help and finding commands.

Part 2 - Getting Help and Finding Commands

In this lecture, we will continue going over getting help and finding commands.

Part 3 Getting Help and Finding Commands

In this lecture, we will be finishing up with Getting Help and Finding Commands.

Help System Questions

In this lecture, we will be going over Help System Lab Questions.

Help System Answers 1 - 4

In this lecture, We will be going over the Help System Lab Answers! 

Help System Answers 5 - 9

In this lecture, we will continue going over the Help System Lab answers! 

Common Commands

The Language of PowerShell - Command Syntax

Section Overview
Command Syntax Part 1

In this lecture, we will be going over the Command Syntax Part 1!

Command Syntax Part 2

In this lecture, we will be going over the Command Syntax Part 2.

Command Syntax Part 3

In this lecture, we will be going over the Command Syntax Part 3.

Command Syntax Questions

In this lecture, we will be going over Command Syntax Lab Questions.

Command Syntax Answers

In this lecture we will be reviewing the Command Syntax Lab Answers.

The Language of PowerShell - Objects and Properties

Section Overview
Objects-Properties and Methods - Part 1

In this lecture we will be going over Objects, Properties, and Methods Part 1.

Objects-Properties and Methods - Part 2

In this lecture, we will be going over Objects, Properties and Methods Part 2.

Objects-Properties and Methods - Part 3

In this lecture we will be finishing up talking about Objects, Properties, and Methods.

Questions 1-9 - Objects-Properties and Methods -
Answers to Questions 1-7
Answers to Questions 8-9

The Language of PowerShell - The Pipeline

Section Overview
The Pipeline Part 1
The Pipeline Part 2

In this lecture, we will be continuing on about the Pipeline.

PowerShell Providers

What are PowerShell Providers

In this lecture you will learn about PowerShell Providers. There are a whole range of cmdlets that are used with PS providers. Throughout this section there are many hands-on exercises that will enjoy, with the intent to challenge you.

How to Use PDDrive

In this lecture you will learn how to use PSDrive. The PSDrive cmdlet allows you to view, create and remove PowerShell drives. These drives can represent file systems, a registry hive and a network share. You will create a persistent PSDrive on your computer that shows up in Windows Explorer.

PowerShell Provider Cmdlets -1

In this lecture you will learn and use the Location, New Item and the Content cmdlets. You will add and remove items from a stack, explore the windows registry, create files and folders and add content to files that you create using these cmdlets.

PowerShell Provider Cmdlets - 2

In this lecture you will be creating registry keys and adding properties to the Windows registry. Then you will be using the Resolve-Path to find out if files exist and the Split-path cmdlets to list all the files and folders in a directory.

Student Assignments

PowerShell Arrays and Variables

PowerShell Variables

In this lecture you are going to learn about PowerShell variables. You will learn how to declare the variables as well as how you might want to use them.

PowerShell Arrays

In this lecture, you are going to learn about PowerShell Arrays. Arrays are one of those things you MUST understand in order to be proficient with PowerShell.

PowerShell Variables Challenge

In this lecture I am going to give you a challenge assignment. This challenge will re-enforce what you have learned so far about PowerShell Variables.

PowerShell Variables Solution

This lecture includes the solution to the previous Variable challenges. Make sure you watch this lecture AFTER you attempt to complete the challenge!

PowerShell Loops

For Loops

In this lecture, you are going to learn about PowerShell For Loops.

While Loops

In this lecture, I will show you how to create PowerShell while loops!

Do Loops

In this lecture, you are going to learn about PowerShell Do-While and Do-Until loops. You will also learn the primary difference between a Do-While and a While Loop.

ForEach Loops

In this lecture you will learn about PowerShell ForEach Loops. We can use these loops to iterate over elements inside of an array and I will be demonstrating exactly how to do this!

Loop Breaks

PowerShell Functions and Conditional Statements

PowerShell Conditional Statements (If Then Else, Switch)
Understanding PowerShell Functions and Function Scope
PowerShell Functions
PowerShell Conditional Statements and Functions Challenge
PowerShell Conditional Statements and Functions Solution

Building an Active Directory IT lab for PowerShell

Section Preface
Should you watch this section?

In this lecture, I will talk to you about if you should or shouldn't watch this section. This section is designed specifically for those of you that don't have access to a production network. This section will help you set up your own lab, so that you can get hands on experience.

Downloading and Installing VirtualBox

In this lecture, I will be showing you how to download and install Oracle VM VirtualBox.

Replacement Server 2019 Download Link

This lecture will provide you with a way to download Server 2019. Microsoft has temporarily removed the public download link and this is a replacement download only for lab use.

Downloading Windows Server

In this lecture, we will be downloading and installing Windows Server 2019.

Creating Your Virtual Network

In this lecture, we will be creating our Virtual Network with VirtualBox.

Creating a Virtual Machine

In this lecture, we will be creating our first Virtual Machine for our lab.

Installing Windows Server
Installing VirtualBox Guest Additions on Windows Server 2019 Desktop Experience
Installing the Active Directory Domain Services Server Role

Basic Domain Administration with Windows Powershell

Configuring PowerShell Execution Policy with Group Policy

In this lecture you are going to learn how you can configure your domain PowerShell Execution Policy with Group Policy.

Installing and Configuring Server Roles with Windows PowerShell
Running PowerShell Scripts as Scheduled Tasks
PowerShell Splatting
Bulk Installing Windows MSU Update Files with PowerShell

Administrating Active Directory with Powershell

Creating OUs (Organizational Units) with PowerShell
Creating and Managing Active Directory User Accounts with PowerShell
Move all AD Users in a Group to a Specific Organizational Unit

Desired State Configuration (DSC) Crash Course

DSC Overview
Enabling PSRemoting with Group Policy
Installing The DSC Resource Kit
Configuring the Local Config Manager (LCM) for DSC Push
Uninstalling Windows Features with DSC

Course Conclusion

How to get your certificate of completion
Bonus Lecture
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4.5 sur 5

Détails des Notes

Étoiles 5
Étoiles 4
Étoiles 3
Étoiles 2
Étoiles 1
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Garantie de remboursement de 30 jours


7 heures de vidéo à la demande
Accès complet à vie
Accès sur le mobile et la télévision
Certificat d'achèvement


Working hours

Monday 9:30 am - 6.00 pm
Tuesday 9:30 am - 6.00 pm
Wednesday 9:30 am - 6.00 pm
Thursday 9:30 am - 6.00 pm
Friday 9:30 am - 5.00 pm
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed