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WordPress for Beginners – Master WordPress Quickly

In 2020, build a beautiful responsive Wordpress site that looks great on all devices. No experience required.
Instructeur :
Mahefa Abel
English [Auto] En savoir plus
Install Wordpress on your PC or Mac computer, so you can learn without having to pay hosting or domain fees.
This course will teach anyone to build a functional, beautiful, responsive website with Wordpress.
Navigate around the Wordpress dashboard, know what everything does and how to use it.
Understand the main features of Wordpress
Create pages and posts, and most importantly, know the difference between the two.
Create custom menus and navigation systems that both visitors and search engines will find useful.
Correctly use post categories and tags, and understand why these can cause you problems at the search engines if used incorrectly.
Know how to configure Wordpress for best results
Understand plugins & themes and how to find/install them
Protect their Wordpress website from hackers and spammers
Create a static homepage useful for most websites, or a blog like homepage useful for bloggers.
Create a Responsive Website that looks good on any browser

WordPress for Beginners – A Complete Guide to WordPress!

In 2020, it’s never been easier to build a fantastic, responsive website that looks great on computers, tablets, and mobile phones.  

You can learn WordPress WITHOUT having to buy web hosting or a domain name.  I’ll show you how you can set it all up on your own computer using free tools. 

NOTE: This course will always be updated to cover the latest version of WordPress.  Covers WordPress 5.0 and earlier.

The primary goal of this course is to teach anyone, even a complete beginner, how to become a Wordpress guru in a few short hours, without lots of technical jargon.  I’ll guarantee that after taking this course you’ll have the knowledge you need to build a responsive, beautiful website with the latest version of WordPress.  Not only will you know more than 99% of WordPress users out there, but you’ll actually enjoy using WordPress too.

This course is taught by WordPress author and teacher, Dr. Andy Williams, who has over a decade of experience using and teaching WordPress to people of all skill levels.

About the Course

This course will guide you through every single step from installation to finished website.  I’ll show you how you can install WordPress on your own computer for free, so you don’t have to pay for a domain name or hosting fees while you complete this course.  Once you’ve got WordPress installed on your computer, you will learn how to build and run a successful, beautiful, responsive-design website you can be proud of.

After taking you through all of the main options in WordPress, explaining what each one does and how you set it up, I’ll let you watch over my shoulder as I build a WordPress website.  It will be an affiliate site that I hope will make me passive income for many years to come.  Go and check out the free preview tutorials in Section 13.

Who is this WordPress course for? 

Have you ever wanted to build a professional looking website, but didn’t know where to start?  Now you can.  Wordpress for Beginners is a complete course for anyone, no matter what your technical ability.  This course assumes no prior knowledge!

At the start of the course, I’ll walk you through setting up WordPress on your own computer so that you don’t need to pay for a web host (or a domain name) while you master wordpress.  When you decide you want to put a website online, you can then watch over-my-shoulder as I buy a domain name and hosting, and install WordPress online.

Whether you decide to host your site on your own computer, or at a web host, you’ll be ready to start mastering WordPress.  We’ll start at the very beginning by logging in to have a look around to familiarize ourselves with the main areas of the Dashboard.

Once you are happy navigating around your new tools, we’ll go through the main features you will need as you create your site, including:

  1. The WYSIWYG Editor.  This is where you enter all of your website content.
  2. The Media Library, to manage your images, videos, sound files and other media you want to share on your site.
  3. WordPress Settings, and I’ll take you step by step to set those up just right.
  4. We’ll look at the differences between WordPress posts and pages, and I’ll give you a simple way of knowing which one to use on any occasion.
  5. We’ll look at post excerpts, categories and tags, and how to use them on a well-structured site to maximize visitor experience and search engine ranking benefits.
  6. You’ll see the two main ways you can set your homepage up.
  7. We’ll create a contact form on the site so visitors can get in touch.
  8. We’ll setup an About us page, and I’ll explain why this page is important and what information to include on it.
  9. We’ll cover the legal pages you need.
  10. We’ll discuss the navigation system on your site, and how you can set up customized navigation in the header, sidebar or footer of your site.  We’ll also talk about internal site linking.
  11. We’ll cover WordPress security, and set up a system that will keep the site safe from hackers.
  12. We’ll check out some great free plugins.
  13. Finally, I’ll give you a 20 step plan for creating your site.

By the end of this course, you will have a website that you are truly proud of.


Introduction to the Course

Before you Begin

If you are new to Udemy, please read this first.

Introducing Wordpress!

Wordpress for Beginners will teach you how to use Wordpress to create professional looking sites, quickly and easily.  This video looks at a few reasons why Wordpress is the best platform, and one you can trust.

Introduction to the course

Congratulations on making the decision to learn Wordpress. This introductory video will explain who I am, and why Wordpress is such a great platform to use for building a website.

Which Wordpress?

Did you know there are actually two types of Wordpress?  One is a free service that limits what you can do on your site, and the other is an installable script that gives you total freedom.  This lecture shows you both, and explains why you should be using the latter.

Dashboard Differences

As you work through this course, you may spot differences between what I am showing you, and what you are seeing on your own computer.  This lecture explains why that is the case, and why you should not worry about it.

Pre-Course Question

Before you start this course, I would love to know whether you've had any problems trying to learn Wordpress in the past.  What were the roadblocks that prevented you from succeeding?  Was it just too technical?  Was the learning curve too steep?  Let me know.

Wordpress Glossary

A list of Wordpress terms and definitions that you will hear while working with Wordpress.

Where to Install WordPress?

This lecture will show you the two options you have for installing Wordpress.  For those that want to learn Wordpress without having the expense of a web host, you can install Wordpress on your own computer.  

If you want a live website, then you'll need a domain name and web host.   We'll cover that too.

Introduction to Wordpress

This short quiz makes sure you understand a couple of very important points, before you move on with the rest of the course.

Local Install - Install WordPress on your Computer

IMPORTANT: Please Read this FIRST

This section of the course is not required by everyone, so please read this short explanation.

Local Install Issues

When you install Wordpress on your own computer, some plugins may not play nicely, as many are developed for an online environment.  Please read this lecture to find out more.

Local By Flywheel

This lecture shows you how to install WordPress on your computer using a free tool called Local by Flywheel.

Other Options

This lecture explains the other options you have for installing WordPress on your own computer.

Local By Flywheel Quiz

A test to see if you understand Local By Flywheel and what it does.

Installing Wordpress on a Web Host

IMPORTANT: Please Read this FIRST

Anyone on this course that needs help installing Wordpress can get free access to my Installing Wordpress Course on Udemy.

Finding the domain

This tutorial shows how I go about finding and registering a domain name. In this lecture, I mention my free Installation course. It is no longer free in Udemy, but you can still get it for free by checking out the final bonus lecture in this course.

Installing Wordpress on a Web Host

This lecture shows you how to install Wordpress on a web host, using a separate registrar for managing the domain name.

Web Host Install

Test your knowledge about installing WordPress on a web host.

A first look around Wordpress

The Wordpress Dashboard

A look around the Wordpress Dashboard.

Clearing out Wordpress pre-installed content

A look at the pre-installed demo content and how to get rid of it.

Post & Page Editor(s)

When WordPress 5.0 was released on 6th December 2018, it got rid of the WYSIWYG editor in favour of a page builder style editor. However, you can still use the older "Classic" editor if you prefer.  This video shows you how you can install the old editor and use either one when editing content. 

A Look at the WYSIWYG "Classic" Editor

Let's take a look at the WYSIWYG Editor.

The Gutenberg Editor

This lecture looks at the basics of the Gutenberg Editor that was introduced in Wordpress 5.0. 

The Media Library

The Media Library allows you to easily manage your images, videos and other media types in one central location.

The WordPress Dashboard

Testing your knowledge from this section of the course.

The Gutenberg Editor

About Animations

If you have problems with animations showing on your site, please read this.

Gutenberg Principles

This lecture introduces the principles of Gutenberg.

The Interface

A quick look at the Gutenberg interface.

Anatomy of a Block

This lecture looks at blocks, and how you can access all of their features.

Adding Blocks to Build a Post

Let's build a post using Gutenberg blocks.

Inserting Images & Wrap

This lecture looks at inserting images into your pages, and getting text to correctly wrap around those images.

Cover Block

This lecture looks at the highly versatile Cover block.


This lecture looks at using columns for horizontal control of elements.

Reusable Blocks

This lecture looks at creating and using reusable blocks

Finding More Blocks

Third-party developers are creating blocks for Gutenberg.  This lecture shows how you can find them.

Gutenberg FAQ

I encourage you to read the frequently asked questions on a web page.  They'll answer some of your questions about Gutenberg.


Testing your knowledge of the Gutenberg editor.

Wordpress Settings

Setting up a Gravatar

What is a Gravatar, why are they important and how can you set one up?

Author Profile

Let's set up the author profile on our site.

General Settings

Let's take a quick look at the General Settings in WordPress.

Writing Settings

Let's look at the writing settings in WordPress.

Update Services

When you add a new piece of content to your site, it's nice to tell the world about these new pieces of content. In this video we'll look at how we can do that.

Reading Settings

This video goes through the Reading Settings in the Dashboard, setting them up as we go.

Discussion Settings

This video goes through the Discussion Settings in the Dashboard, setting them up as we go.

Allowing Comments & Comment Moderation

This tutorial offers some advice on dealing with Wordpress comments


This video looks at the Permalink settings, and how to use them for maximum SEO benefit.

Privacy Settings

Wordpress 4.9.6. was a privacy and maintenance release.  One new feature was designed to help websites become GDPR compliant.  This tutorial shows you how to add a privacy policy using the template Wordpress provide to make sure you have everything covered.

Themes, Plugins & Widgets

Responsive Website Design?

How do you make your website mobile-friendly? The answer is very simple...

Wordpress Themes

An Introduction to Wordpress Themes

Plugins & Adding a Sitemap

This video shows you how to add, delete and activate plugins.

Please note that "WordPress SEO by Yoast" is now just "Yoast SEO" and their logo as changed to a traffic light.

Installing Premium Plugins

If you buy a plugin, it will come as a zip file. You can easily install these zip files in the Dashboard, and this video shows you how.

Wordpress Widgets

An Introduction to Wordpress Widgets, this lecture looks at "widgetized areas", and how you can add content in the form of widgets to these areas.

Settings, plugins and themes

Testing your understanding and knowledge of this section of the course.

Website Content with Posts & Pages

Wordpress Posts v Wordpress Pages

Wordpress offer two main ways to add content to a site. Posts and pages. In this lecture, we'll look at how posts differ from pages.

WordPress "Pages"

This lecture looks at the Gutenberg editor options when creating WordPress Pages.

WordPress "Posts"

This lecture looks at the Gutenberg editor options when creating WordPress Posts.

Post Categories

A look at how to use categories to organize your posts.

Post Tags

Tags can be used to further classify posts, and make it easier for your visitors to find things.

Categories & Tags Summary

This lecture summarizes the use of categories and tags.

Importance of Excerpts

This video looks at excerpts and why they are so important to your site.

Importance of Featured Images

This lecture looks at the importance of featured images to make your site look more professional.

How to schedule a post

This lecture shows you how to schedule a post to be published in the future, and mentions a plugin that can help turbo drive your scheduling.

Resizing & Optimizing Images

To increase page download times, you should be optimizing the images you use in your content.  This tutorial looks at image optimization the right way.

Creating a WordPress Page

This lecture goes through the process of creating and publishing a WordPress page.

Creating a WordPress post

This lecture looks at creating and publishing a WordPress post.

Page or Post?

In this video, we'll take some common web page we might want on a site and decide if those pages should be posts or pages, creating a site structure that works along the way.

Posts and Pages

How well do you understand posts and pages?

The Homepage

The importance of the homepage

The homepage on your site is arguably the mot important page on the site. Why?

Static Homepage v Blog Posts

Let's have a look at the two types of homepage possible in WordPress.

Creating A Blog Style Homepage

This video shows how to set your homepage up as a blog.

Creating A Static Style Homepage

This video shows how to create a static style homepage for your site.

The Homepage

A quick test on the homepage

Creating the Legal Pages

Creating a Contact page

Let's give visitors a way to contact us.

Creating an About Us page

The About Us page is an important page on your site, so let's look at what we need to include on this page.

Terms, Privacy and Disclaimers

Let's complete the other legal pages using a plugin to speed up the process.

Website Navigation

Custom Menus

Custom Menus allow us to override Wordpress default menus so we have total control over the navigation system on our site.

Navigation Menu Widgets

Using Navigation Menu widgets (previously called Custom Menu Widgets), you can actually insert your custom menus into any area of your theme that is set up to accept widgets.

Related Post Navigation

Adding a related posts section to your site can keep visitors on your site longer.

Recent Posts

It can be a good idea to display the recently added posts in a menu, so visitors can see what you have added recently, and search engines can quickly find new pages.  This is easily done with a plugin.

Internal Site Linking

Internal links in the body of your articles is a great way to keep visitor on site, and keep search engines happy.

Website Navigation

Testing your understanding of website navigation

Wordpress Security

WARNING: Read before you continue

Please read this before you start this section of the course.

Wordpress Security

In this tutorial, I'll cover the basics of how you can keep your WordPress site safe from hackers.

What to do if the security plugin locks you out

This lecture shows you how you can reset the settings of the All In One Security plugin if you do get locked out of your dashboard.

All In One Security Plugin

In this video we'll install a security plugin and enable the basic features to help secure the website.

Stop Spammers Plugin

Stop Spammers is a free plugin that will dramatically cut down on spam comments.  

Wordpress Backup

Keep automated backups of your Wordpress site using this free plugin.

How to change your Wordpress Author Page Name

There is one security hole that you might like to plug.  This video shows you an easy way of doing that.


Testing your WordPress Security knowledge.

Some Important Plugins

Social Sharing

Social sharing of your content can bring backlinks and traffic to your site. I don't have a recommended social sharing plugin, but in this video I'll show you how to look for them, evaluate the ones you find, and install the perfect social plugin (s).

Responsive LIghtbox

If you need to showcase images on your site, this Responsive Lightbox plugin is useful.

Pretty links Lite

Create shorter URLs with the option of tracking clicks.

Wordpress Site Structure

Site Structure Options

This lecture shows you the three different site structures we are going to set up with WordPress.

The WordPress Set Up Process

No matter what type of site structure you are planning, the basic initial setup of the site is always the same.  This video goes through that set up.  Once you complete the process, you will be ready to start bui8lding your site.

Importing Demo Content

This lecture has a zip file attached as a resource.  The zip file contains three demo content files you can import as you follow along with the course.  See the video for more details.

Creating A Blog Site

Creating A Blog with Blog Homepage

In this video we will create a simple blog using the homepage as the blog iteself.

Changing the Homepage to Static

In the previous lecture we created a simple blog using the homepage of the site as the blog itself.  In this video we'll switch to using a static page for the blog.

Creating the Business Site

Creating a Business Site

In this lecture we'll create a site using the business site structure we worked out earlier in the course.

Business Site Navigation

This lecture looks at the best way to organize your site navigation.

Creating the Hybrid Site

Creating the Hybrid Site Structure

In this video, we'll set up a hybrid site structure.

Hybrid Site Navigation

Let's look at a logical navigation system for this type of site.

Site Structure

Site Structure Questions


Post-Course Question

At the start of this course, I asked you about any problems you've had in the past when trying to learn how to use Wordpress.  This is a followup question, to gauge how much you've learned, and whether or not you have overcome those issues.


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Bonus lecture

Useful resources.

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Monday 9:30 am - 6.00 pm
Tuesday 9:30 am - 6.00 pm
Wednesday 9:30 am - 6.00 pm
Thursday 9:30 am - 6.00 pm
Friday 9:30 am - 5.00 pm
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed